Thursday Evening Meditation

  • Time, dates & venue

    Stop worrying, relax and let go ¦ 7.30 – 8.30pm ¦ January 23, 30, Feb 6, 13

    Classes take place at Kadampa Meditation Centre Reading, 9 Bath Road, RG1 6HH

    (parking onsite or at Downshire Square)

  • Course fee & tickets

    Stop worrying, relax and let go ¦ 7.30 – 8.30pm ¦ January 23, 30, Feb 6, 13

    £24 (4-week course 33% discount) / £9 each session (drop in or pre-book) / free with membership

Stop worrying, relax and let go

FEE: £24 (whole 4-week course – 33% discount) / £9 each session (drop in or pre-book) / free with membership

We all experience problems and uncertainties day after day, and we naturally respond with worry, and our mind become tight and uncomfortable. Although most of these problems appear to be coming from other people and external situations, according to Buddha, these problems are rooted in negative states of mind, known as delusions.

When we understand the relationship between our problems and our mind, we will learn how to take control of our lives by letting go and transforming problems into inner freedom. This course teaches us to replace worry with positive, constructive attitudes and enjoy life confidently.

23rd January – Let go of inner tension and pain

30th January – Create inner space and calm

6th February – Understand how a peaceful mind creates a peaceful life

13th February – Maintaining a positive outlook


With experienced teacher Darren Vass

Meditation is becoming increasingly recognized as an effective means to reduce stress and improve our quality of life, however it also has much deeper and far-reaching benefits that have been understood by Buddhist practitioners for thousands of years.

The benefits of meditation include:

– Effective means to reduce stress & anxiety
– Improves mindfulness & concentration
– Promotes a more positive approach to life
– Aids relaxation and letting go of tension

Each class consists of two guided meditations and instruction. Anyone can practice meditation and everyone is welcome to attend.