Mindfulness and meditation on the Go
Weekly classes – Feb 25 – Apr 1
FEE: £36 (6-week course 33% discount) / £9 per week / free with membership
To enjoy peace of mind and to make our day meaningful, it is important to integrate meditation practices into our daily life. During this course, Gen Nyingpo will guide meditations and explain six essential practices for daily life.
February 25 – Creating meaning in everyday life
March 4 – Mindfulness for a happy life
March 11 – Finding inner protection
March 18 – Cultivating positive mental energy
March 25 – Tips for Mental Clarity and Declutter
April 1 – Wisdom insights for lasting happiness
Resident Teacher Gen Nyingpo will teach the class
Meditation is becoming increasingly recognized as an effective means to reduce stress and improve our quality of life, however it also has much deeper and far-reaching benefits that have been understood by Buddhist practitioners for thousands of years.
The benefits of meditation include:
– Effective means to reduce stress & anxiety
– Improves mindfulness & concentration
– Promotes a more positive approach to life
– Aids relaxation and letting go of tension
Each class consists of two guided meditations and instruction. Anyone can practice meditation and everyone is welcome to attend.