Fresh Start to 2024
This meditation and mindfulness course will kick-start your year with peace and positivity. Discover your inner potential and learn how to use meditation to make yourself happy. Let go of the negatives and embrace the positives. Improve your concentration and focus in daily life, be less stressed and irritable and learn how to develop a more positive outlook on life.
Meditation is becoming increasingly recognized as an effective means to reduce stress and improve our quality of life, however it also has much deeper and far-reaching benefits that have been understood by Buddhist practitioners for thousands of years.
The benefits of meditation include:
– Effective means to reduce stress & anxiety
– Improves mindfulness & concentration
– Promotes a more positive approach to life
– Aids relaxation and letting go of tension
Anyone can practise meditation and everyone is welcome to attend.
Regular Teacher Kelsang Dorchen will teach this course
1.30pm: Registration open
2-3pm: Teaching & Meditation
3-3.30pm: Refreshment break
3.30-4.30pm pm: Teaching & Meditation
Experienced Teacher Kelsang Dorchen will teach this course
Doors open from 1.30pm
2.00-3.00pm: Talk and guided meditations
3.00-3.30pm: Refreshment break
3.30-4.30pm: Talk and guided meditations