Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Nyingpo will teach this course
Teacher Training Programme (TTP), offers practitioners of Kadampa Buddhism the opportunity to study deeply, gain practical experience of both Sutra and Tantra as well as train to become qualified Dharma teachers.
The programme consists of a dynamic combination of teachings, meditations, discussion and teaching skills classes providing a multi-faceted approach to the development of authentic spiritual experience. All qualified Kadampa teachers follow this in-depth program of study and practice.
The programme involves the study of twelve texts, students are required to observe certain commitments with regard to behaviour and way of life, and an intention to engage regular meditation retreats run at KMC Reading.
The study of Mahamudra Tantra will begin September 1st 2024
Please email shantidevaeducation@gmail.com if you are interesting in joining TTP