Online in-depth meditation courses with Gen Nyingpo

    • Courses and dates

      Sessions are 75 minutes, recorded on Tuesdays live at 7.00pm and each session is available for one week

      Weekly from August 16 – series of 3 ¦ How to be more Focused

    • Course fee & tickets

      Weekly from August 16 – series of 3  ¦ How to be more Focused  ¦ 75 minute sessions ¦ £18 ¦ free with membership

      If you wish to book a session once the course has started please email us at (the fee for individual sessions is £9)

    • course teacher

      Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Nyingpo teaches these classes *the sessions in June will be taught by meditation teacher Tina*

    • How the course is run

      On the day of the first session you will receive links to view the videos for this course. You will also receive a reminder email each week.


    Weekly from August 16

    Book the 3-week course for £18 ¦ free with membership

    Learn how to develop and improve your concentration, overcome your distractions and cultivate your ability to concentrate in meditation.

    Concentration is the nature of a peaceful mind. When our mind is concentrated it is relaxed, peaceful, alert and we feel happy. When meditating, the degree to which we can concentrate determines the effectiveness of our meditations. Therefore, in meditation, as in everyday life, the ability to overcome distractions is very important.

    In this short course you will learn how to develop and improve your concentration, how to overcome your distractions and how to cultivate your ability to concentrate through training in meditation. You will also learn how mindfulness, alertness and concentration work together to improve your mental peace and well-being.

    Through cultivating your concentration, you will be able to accomplish all your goals more easily, calmly and effectively.

    16th August – Concentration Toolkit

    23rd August – The Mindfulness Method

    30th August – Strong Focus, Inner Clarity


    Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Nyingpo teaches these classes

    advice for online classes

    Please find a comfortable and quiet place that you consider special in your home or room. Prepare yourself before the class begins by turning off your phone, avoiding distractions, making sure you can focus on the teaching for its duration. Have a notebook to write down some of the key points of the teaching that you want to remember and integrate in your life. Enjoy!

    We pray for everyone who is experiencing stress and anxiety, and especially for those who are ill. May everyone enjoy good health, peace and happiness.